would you believe it!?

I will get there...

I will get there…

I am so shattered! I have had the worst run these last few weeks…and I don’t mean an actual run…more like a series of ridiculous events which are getting in the way of my running and completing the Couch to 5K (C25K)!!

First Ridiculous Event:

Helping my brother move house which is always good fun, until you have to move the mattress! I ‘did’ my back lifting the mattress! Great! It was quite scary not being able to walk, at all! So there I am laid up in bed for a few days on some pretty full-on painkillers.

Fortunately I bounced back quite quickly from this, a few visits to the Osteo and Myotherapist and I was as right as rain, but it really gave me a better understanding of people who have back pain. My mum injured her back many years ago when she was nursing, (and isn’t that just the way things go? People who are in the ‘helping people’ industry getting hurt themselves because they put others first?), and she has had chronic back pain ever since. I feel so much for her, and others, who are in this situation. It’s not a nice way to spend a few days and must be an awful way to spend your life.

Second Ridiculous Event:

I got the flu…not one week later and laid low by the stoopid flu!!!! There is no way I am going to go running the way I am feeling right now, which is somewhere between death warmed up and hell! I have had this thing for two weeks now and feel like I cannot shake the last vestiges of crappiness…and I refuse to make it worse by putting my body under pressure it obviously doesn’t need…

So I am cramming in as much good and healthy food as I can, loads of rest and a few days off work.

Missing running.

running like the wind …ok, truthfully, more like a gentle breeze…

Week 7 Day 1 So it seems that maybe I’ve been going like a bull at a gate with this running caper…walking with my partner the other night and we jokingly started to do the Cliffy or the ‘Cliff Young Shuffle’…for those who don’t know… Cliff Young is a legend in marathon running in Australia…

Cliff was a potato farmer who won the first Sydney to Melbourne ultra marathon (875km/543miles) at the age of 61! That’s pretty rad…but wait there’s more…He had never run an ultra marathon in his life before! He beat 10 other top athletes! And broke the record for that distance by two days!! Cliff Young started the race behind the leaders but when they all stopped and slept over night, he kept running! This was when he took the lead in the race and kept it and came in first … 10 hours ahead of the rest!

What kept Cliff going through the 5 days, 15 hours and 4 minutes of that race? He imagined He was running after sheep and was trying to outrun a storm! And I think, just quietly, an enormous competitive spirit that his competitors just couldn’t match in that particular race.

So for my first day of Week 7, with a bit of classic NLP behavioural modelling (basic outside modelling), I busted out with the ‘Cliffy’ and completely surprised myself! I didn’t get puffed, I didn’t get stitches and i didn’t run out of energy!! (On the flip side I didn’t feel like I was running! It was just too slow And clearly not painful enough to feel like I was doing anything…is that crazy?? Haha!)

I was keeping my eye on the ‘run average pace’ which drifted right out to around 10 min per km (my average has always been around 6.2ish) so I figured in the last 3 minutes I would go all out and really run! Wow! It was great! I felt like I really got to stretch out and expend a bunch of energy .. and it got my run average pace to 6.3per km. and only 870km’s to go to be truly anywhere near Cliffy ..Never going to happen!

I don’t know if that’s the ‘right’ way (or if there is a ‘right’ way), I just know that it felt awesome to run and not tire but to have a lovely rhythm but also to really stretch out at the end and run like the wind! …Ok, maybe more like a gentle breeze! At least I’m not exhausting myself and struggling the whole time now haha!

Which are you most interested in…a comfortable run or average pace, time or distance? What is a good measure of a run in your eyes or legs!

oh and here is a little youtube clip of Cliffy.

Cliffy the Legend
Cliff Young

Cliff Young